The Kitchen Review

de Buyer Steel French Crepe Pan

Last Modified: 09/05/11
First Published: 09/05/11
Views: 851
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Views: 851

Brand & Type: de Buyer Steel French Crepe Pan

Price Range: medium ~ $25

Rating: High

Description: steel 9 inch crepe pan.

Pros: similar to non-stick without being of non-stick material.

Cons: is focused on crepes only.

Conclusion: Having made crepes for years using cast iron and non-stick pans this was a welcome surprise. You basically treat this products as if it was a cast iron pan - no soap or harsh detergents - just clean with hot water and a paper towel.

The crepes came out great. Crepe after crepe nothing stuck or was wasted. Just follow the directions...before the first use heat up with some oil on medium and then cool and dispose of the oil. This forms a seal with the steel and then has many non-stick properties.

Use over medium heat, but only after the pan has fully heated, then place a little butter or oil and add very little crepe batter. Since it is a steel pan you can use metal utensils to move around the crepe and easily remove it from the pan once it is done.

So far this has been a great investment. For the first use we made a crepe ham and cheese cake.