The Kitchen Review

Pampered Chef Measure-All Cup

Last Modified: 04/12/08
First Published: 09/03/07
Views: 1572
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Views: 1572

Brand & Type: Pampered Chef Measure-All Cup #2225

Price Range: $9.00

Rating: low

Description: This clear plastic measuring cup is good for liquid, dry and solid ingredients. The red marker is for the dry/solid and the blue for the liquid measures for the liquid.

Pros: The web site says it's great for shortening or peanut butter since you push the white insert to release the sticky solids as you can see by the quote...

"Pull inner cup with a rotating movement to desired measurement. If sleeve is tight, wipe a small amount of shortening around the inside top edge of sleeve."

Cons: Very awkward to use and so many measurments on all sides. Also the insert is hard to work with.

Conclusion: I bought this a few years back and never really use it except for milk and flour...easy stuff. When I went to the pampered chef website I was surprised to see it still there and at the same price. Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't care for it... the pyrex glass measuring cups are so much better.