The Kitchen Review

Martha Stewart's Glass Oven & Storage Set

Last Modified: 06/07/19
First Published: 01/13/08
Views: 19602
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Views: 19602

Brand & Type: Martha Stewart's 14-Piece Glass Oven & Storage Setglass storage bowls

Price Range: Low around $20

Rating: High

Description: 14 piece glass bowl set with 2 2-cup bowls, 1 4-cup,1 7-cup, 1 1 7/8 baking dish, 1 4 3/4 cup baking dish, and 1 11-cup. Each glass bowl comes with a plastic lid.

Pros: Durable glass for baking, serving and storage. Microwaveable, freezer,dishwasher and oven safe. Nice tight fitting lids.

Cons: Maybe a little heavy but that's all.

Conclusion: Sturdy storage set with good sizes for leftovers or any small baking item. I like the glass so much better than the plastic ones that break, leak, discolor or the lids don't fit properly. Martha designs a nice functional product.

Update: Some of the comments mention that the lids have cracked. We have experienced the same thing on one of the lids. As far as we know no one sells repacement lids.