The Kitchen Review

Calphalon Stainless Steel Roasting Pan with Nonstick Roasting Rack

Last Modified: 04/11/08
First Published: 11/15/07
Views: 1930
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Views: 1930

Brand & Type: Calphalon Contemporary Stainless 16 Inch Roaster with Nonstick Roasting Rack

roastin_panPrice range: High, around $150

Rating: High

Description: Large and sturdy stainless steel roasting pan with aluminum core, slightly bent sides and a nonstick roasting rack.

Pros: Sturdy model that will stand up to a lot of use. Beautiful stainless steel finish.

Cons: The price.

Conclusion: This is a very sturdy roasting pan that will stand up to a lot of use. It is slightly cheaper than All-Clad's roasting pan and the sides are bent slightly outwards, whereas the All-Clad's roaster's handles are straight. This roasting pan that will stand up to a lot of use and many Thanksgiving dinners. Use it for cooking poultry or roasting vegetables.