Brand & Type: All-Clad 6 quart Stainless-Steel Stockpot
Price range: High, around $230 Rating: High Description: Large 6 quart dutch oven made of stainless steel Pros: Like all All-Clad products, this stockpot is made of great quality. The size is great when making a stocks and soups. It is heavy and sturdy and the thick uniform steel heats evenly. Cons: High Price. Conclusion: If you are looking to purchase a dutch oven, then you can't go wrong with All Clad. This pot is perfect to use when making large batches of stock, stews and soups and the quality is great. This pot is a lifetime companion and will stand up to a lot of use. This 6 quart size is great for many stews and if you need a large size All Clad does have an 8 quart available. This is a better size for everyday use. We constantly use a 5 quart cast iron dutch oven and it is plenty big for most meals.