culinary review

Sauteed Scallops with Butter, Lemon & Avocado

Last Modified: 05/27/10
First Published: 05/02/10
Views: 690
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Views: 690

Scallops with Butter, Lemon & Avocado

If you're looking for a very simple, yet delicious and elegant appetizer to make, then you simply can't go wrong with sauteed scallops with butter, lemon and avocado. It's very quick to make, and as long as you can get a hold of good quality scallops, you're all set.

Larger scallops are really to be preferred here as opposed to smaller ones. Of course small scallops would do fine, however you won't get as much of a difference in texture as the larger ones provide.

First of all, you want to make sure that the scallops are thawed well, if they happen to be frozen at first. After this, you want to pat them down well with a paper towel and dry them completely. This is one of the more common mistakes that people make: not drying the scallops properly before searing. If they are not very dry, then a nice crust can't be formed, therefore make sure to do this step properly.

Salt and pepper both sides of the scallops. Don't skimp!

Heat up a large pan (a 12 inch pan is great if you're making scallops for 4 people) on high heat. Add a generous amount of butter and let it sizzle. Then carefully put down each scallop in the pan and let cook for about two minutes on each side on high heat.

When the scallops are cooked, then add a generous amount of lemon juice in the pan.

Immediately plate the scallops, pour over some of the lemon, butter sauce and serve with freshly cut up avocado on the side as well as extra lemon.

It would also be nice to serve some crisp arugula on the side or other fresh greens.