culinary review

Poached Eggs on Yogurt Biscuits

Last Modified: 11/24/10
First Published: 11/22/10
Views: 690
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Views: 690

Making biscuits with milk, or butter milk is traditional, but this time we had some plain yogurt around and wanted to use it up. So we completely replaced the milk with yogurt. Right away the texture we different, light and fluffy, like it had been whipped.

The result was very good. It tasted very similar, but the texture was very different. The dough did not rise nearly as much as with milk, and it was very light and airy.

The end result was that it was not so much a traditional biscuit as a platform for the egg to go on. You could not really pick it up but the lightness showed off the egg well. 

Here is the recipe for traditional biscuits. The only difference is that we substituted yogurt for milk.