culinary review

Measurement Question About Parts

Last Modified: 07/16/11
First Published: 07/16/11
Views: 468
Views: 468


Recently we received a question about how to measure alcohol.

"Name: tracie
Subject alcohol measurements

can you please tell me when it says 1 1/2 parts of something what is the 1 1/2 parts measure?"

When a recipe call for 1 1/2 parts of something it means to use that as a base for comparing.


A manhattan cocktail:

  • 2 parts whiskey
  • 1 part sweet vermouth

For this you can use 2 fluid ounces of whiskey and 1 fluid ounce of sweet vermouth. If it said 1 1/2 parts then you can assume you would use 1 1/2 fluid ounces of whiskey and 1 fluid ounce of sweet vermouth.