culinary review

How To Make Crostini - Different Topping Ideas

Last Modified: 05/28/10
First Published: 05/28/10
Views: 1297
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Views: 1297

To make crostini from old bread is an easy and delicious way to create a tasty appetizer or snack. Basically a crostinicrostini is bread sliced very thinly, baked in the oven until crispy, then rubbed with a garlic clove and brushed with olive oil. It's perfect to make if you have bread going stale, or if you just want to serve bread in a different way.

However, it seems that when most people think of crostini, they get stuck on tomatoes, herbs and cheese. This combination is of course very flavorful and tasty, although there are so many other options to consider which would make for a more varied selection.

Here are a couple of ideas for different crostini.

Basic Crostini
garlic clove
olive oil
salt and pepper


Slice the baguette very thinly. Distribute on a baking sheet, then bake in 400 degrees for about 10 minutes. When the bread comes out of the oven, cut a garlic clove in half and rub the cut side against the bread. Brush the bread with olive oil and assemble the toppings.


- Tomatoes & Goat Cheese

- Cannellini beans with lemon and garlic

- Fresh Mozzarella and pest

- Hummus, roasted red peppers, lemon

- Tuna with capers, oil, lemon and parsley

- Ricotta, honey, pinenuts

- Parmesan, artichokes