culinary review

Chocolate Wafer Ice Box Cake

Last Modified: 08/19/11
First Published: 08/19/11
Views: 818
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Views: 818

My mother used to make this chocolate wafer ice box cake way back when... I have such fond memories of this delicious whipped cream cake that I decided to make it again for company. I read a blog recently where someone made this cake and complained about it being grainy and soggy - I guess she doesn't have my same memories. Anyway, this was always one of my favorites. So easy to make and what could be better than whipped cream! A nice addition is to add fresh fruit, chocolate shavings, chips or nuts. This dessert makes a nice presentation for a party or lunch especially with a glass of bubbly.

  • 1 package chocolate waffers (nabisco)
  • 2 cups heavy cream (whipped)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Form into a log, chill and serve - I've also seen this as a round cake