culinary review

How To Make a Perfect Omelet

Last Modified: 02/19/13
First Published: 09/27/07
Views: 11205
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Views: 11205

There is certainly an art to making omelets. Too high heat and your omelet will turn dry and watery; too low heat and theomelet consistency will be affected; too much stirring and it won't keep together; no stirring and it won't set properly. A perfect omelet is creamy and evenly cooked, leaning towards under-cooked and slides off the pan without breaking. So how do you make a perfectly cooked omelet?

Let's start with the cookware.

While you can make an omelet in a regular stainless steel skillet, most people prefer non-stick for a reason. Eggs and non-stick go hand in hand since the eggs won't get stuck in the pan. Another alternative is a copper saute pan, if you happen to have one on hand. This kind of pan transfers heat very well, and cooks eggs nicely, but you have to be a little more careful so the eggs won't stick.

Your safest bet is to go with a non-stick saute pan, it will make your job easier and you can find one very affordable. An 8 to 10 inch pan is the best size for an individual omelet. We have also found that a silicon spatula works best for stirring.

Now let's get back to making the omelet. We prefer to make each omelet individually, and usually go for 2 eggs per person.

1. Warm the eggs up a little by placing them in a bowl of warm water – or even better take out the eggs about 30 minutes to an hour before you start so they won't be so cold.

2. Next, break the eggs and whisk them together in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of water and about ½ teaspoon of salt plus some freshly ground pepper.

3. Put your pan on the stove on medium heat. Once the pan is warm, add about ½ tablespoon of butter if you are using a non-stick pan, otherwise double the amount. Once the butter is bubbly, spread it out with your spatula. Make sure the pan is warm enough for the butter to melt, but not so hot that it starts to burn.

4. Now gently pour the egg mixture in. Immediately stir with your spatula around in the egg mixture in a few places in the pan. You can also gently touch the sides of the eggs as well as tilt the pan to let some of the eggs gather on the sides and cook. Now, lower your heat a little and stop stirring - if you stir too much your omelet won't form properly.

5. Back away and let your omelet cook on medium-low heat. If you want to add flavorings such as grated cheese, chopped herbs, cooked ham or other ingredients, this would be the time. We recommend to not go overboard – add a few selected ingredients or simply some cheese on half the side of the omelet primarily.

6. Once the omelet looks almost cooked through but still a little wiggly on the top, remove from the heat. Carefully slide of the pan and place “half” the omelet on a plate, then tilt the pan and flip it over, so the omelet is folded. Voila! Possibly sprinkle with some herbs or simply some freshly grounded pepper and serve immediately.

Our favorite omelet flavorings:
1. sharp cheddar cheese and smoked ham
2. fresh spinach, chopped olives and parmesan cheese
3. sauteed vegetables and swiss cheese
4. black beans and sausage, served with salsa and sour cream

Serving suggestion:

Omelets are fun for a brunch, gather people in the kitchen and let everybody choose their own flavorings. Or why not serve with a light salad and a glass of white wine for lunch.

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