culinary review

How To Make Baked Potatoes

Last Modified: 12/13/10
First Published: 11/07/07
Views: 37278
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Views: 37278

Baking potatoes is one of the most simple ways to prepare a mealbaked_potato Simply stick them in the oven and let them bake until they’re done. Baked potatoes are great with broccoli and cheese, next to a piece of meat, or simply with some butter.

The perfect baked potato is crispy on the outside, yet light and fluffy on the inside. In order to achieve that you want to oil the skin of the potatoes and cook them in a hot oven.

How to make a perfect baked potato

First of all, you want to use a baking-style potato such as a russet potato. Save the smaller waxy ones for potato salad and other dishes - when making baked potatoes you want large, starchy potatoes.

Wash and scrub the potatoes well, then pat dry. Coat the potatoes with some oil such as canola or vegetable oil. You don’t want to use butter here because it would burn in the oven, oil has a higher smoking point. Poke the potatoes a few times in order to let steam escape during the cooking process. Bake the potatoes in a 425 degrees for about 45 min to an hour, or until soft.

potatoes potatoes

When you are ready to eat the potatoes, cut across the potato with a sharp knife and pinch on each end towards the middle.

Great Baked Potato Toppings:

  • Butter
  • Sour cream
  • Bacon bits
  • Cheese
  • Broccoli
  • Soft garlic cheese

Tip! If you want the potatoes to stay hot for a long time after they’re done, then you can wrap them in foil before you put them in the oven. The potatoes will stay hot for a long time as long as they’re in the foil, however the skin will not turn crispy.