Homemade edible gifts from the kitchen are so much fun to give, and are always appreciated. No matter whether you're looking for unique Christmas presents, or ideas for things to put in gift baskets for Thanksgiving, Halloween or other times of the year, these edible presents are fun to make and delicious to eat or drink! Homemade food gifts are perfect if you want to save some money this year, or if you simply want to bring authenticity in to your home and create your own traditions. Wrap your gift in some nice paper or put the content in a pretty jar, and you're all set. Mason jars are affordable and can be reused again and again. A hand written note describing the content is nice and gives it a personal touch. | Dry Dark Hot Chocolate Mix Mix together your own dry cocoa mix. This is a very dark and rich mix and a perfect gift for the chocolate lover. Either make a regular mix, or add some cinnamon to make Mexican hot chocolate. | Dry Spicy Chai Mix
A dry spicy chai mix makes a very nice gift. All you do is mix this blend with some hot water and you have a wonderful beverage. | Apple Butter  A jar of sweet and spicy apple butter is so versatile and delicious. If you're giving this away, then it's a good idea to go through the steps to sterilize and preserve this right, so it will last on the shelf for a few months. | Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Butter
Preserve the pumpkin flavors of the season and give a jar of homemade sweet and spicy pumpkin butter. This present is a yummy and unique gift. Don't forget to sterilize and preserve it right, so it will last on the shelf for a few months. | Raisin-Nut Bundt Cake
Make a nice and rich cake such as this raisin-nut bundt cake. What's so nice about this kind of cake is that it's dense and stays nice for a couple of days. Wrap in cellophane for nice presentation. | Sugar Cookie Dough  Cookie dough is the perfect gift for the non-baker. Make a batch and store it in the fridge for a few days or in the freezer for a longer period of time in a roll. Then whenever the reciever wants some cookies, they can simple cut a few slices off and bake them in the oven. | Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate truffles makes an impressive gift, yet they're quite easy to make. Coat with different kinds of chocolate or nuts and put in a nice box. | Chocolate Fudge 
Homemade fudge is so delicious if you watch your temperature carefully and is perfect to give. Rich, sweet and smooth, it makes a decadent gift. | Homemade Chili Spice Rub  Create a personal spice blend, wrap in a bag and attach a note describing how to use the blend. There are so many different spice blends one can make such as chili rubs, fish spices, pumpkin spices etc... |