Creamy Toffee Ingredients 14 ounces, 1 can sweetened condensed milk 2 cups brown sugar 1/2 pound butter 1 cup light corn syrup Method Set aside a 9" x 9" buttered pan. Add all the ingredients in a 2 quart sauce pan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved.  Wash down the sides.Add a candy thermometer and bring to a boil, stirring. Over a controlled heat bring to 260 degrees F. Pour the hot mixture into the buttered pan, score while warm and allow the mixture to cool. - The volume of the mixture will triple while cooking so you must constantly pay attention to the stove top.
- Bring your ingredients up to a boil slowly, you should not try to rush this process, otherwise you will end up burning the candy.
- Set aside at least an hour to make the caramels and have a place ready to set aside the candy to cool.