culinary review

Cardamom, Ground

Last Modified: 03/07/11
First Published: 12/08/07
Views: 1516
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Views: 1516
ground cardamon
Ingredient Information

Cardamom, Ground
Price: $0.43
Calories: 18.00
Volume: 1.00

Cardamom, Groundcardamom

A small oval shaped seed pod with a thin papery outer shell and small black seeds.

The spice cardamon has a strong, spicy-sweet taste with a strong aramatic flavor - found ground or in seeds.

The three types of cardamon include green, black and Madagascar which can be either whole or split.

A little goes a long way for flavorings for example 10 pods = 1 teaspoon ground.

Methods of cooking include chicken, coffee, curry, duck, lentils, meat, coffe cakes, breads, apple pie and pastries.

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